On the Warriors Path Essay

#essay #reading #books #100DaysToOffload

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This is my essay was written for the College English class on the book “On the Warriors Path”.

I am using this for the 100DaysToOffload challenge.

The Essay

The Yin and the Yang are like peanut butter and chocolate, they are better together than apart. The Yin and the Yang is explored as a dyadic relationship between the mind and body or as a Warrior and the Princess in the book On the Warriors Path by Daniele Bolelli. He explains that the “Warrior and Princess are not separate entities, but energies that complement each other” (Bolelli 49). In this essay I will explore Bolelli's ideas of treating the body as a temple. Also one cannot be healthy or a balanced human being without focusing on all aspects of the body as well as the mind.

The Warrior represents more than just the body, it is also an attitude-Yang energy. Bolelli spends much of his book extolling what is wrong about society in general and the individual spacifically; that we have lost our way physically, mentally, and socially. “What we need is something else-a way of cleansing the character of the junk we have drowned it in, a way to remind us that the body is not a prison, but a sacred temple that cannot be bought by money or accessed by technology. Turn your body into a temple and nature starts talking to you.” (Bolelli 21) This reminds me when I would ride my bike long distances on back country roads, before I started driving at age 16. I miss the the scenic route and the endorphin high from riding 5 miles each ways. The Warrior philosophy of connection to the body, makes me think I need to incorporate biking back into my daily and weekly routine. By doing this I will be healthier and I will lose weight.

The Princess represents sensitivity, compassion, and thinking things through; thus turning vulnerability into strength rather than weakness. To illustrate “If the Warrior is a concentrate of Yang energy, the Princess is absolute Yin” (Bolelli 49). In addition, Bolelli demonstrates Yin as the mindful part of being human. This relates to me due to my ADHD, life is always on hard mode. For instance, stress is a constant problem for people diagnosed with ADHD. So I need to be more mindful with how I manage stress, or I will have gray hair before I reach 30 years old. By the way since I have a tendency for detraction, my work space requires the removal of temptations and music to drown out audible disturbances. Furthermore, I set the mood with a focus blend of essential oils, if I am still unable focus I turn off the computer and work analog with a typewriter. Being mindful as an element of Bolelli's philosophy in my dally life, incorporates the princess' thinking things through mentality. I am too quick to anger sometimes, which i am working on by taking a pause to breath. For example, a few weeks ago, I was drive my mom to outpatient surgery at Holly Cross Hostpital. My GPS failed me and long story short, I ended up getting lost in some neighborhood in Washington DC, which was going to make us late. Then, a elderly man plowed into the side of my car at an intersection. My car was barely scratched, but his front end was badly damaged with the bumper hanging off. I could of been quick to anger, because now we were an hour late, which could of jeopardized the surgery. Yelling at him that it was his fault (which it was), would not a helped either of us. Instead, even tough my body was shaking from being in y first accident, I got out and asked him if he was alright.We exchanged information and I helped him pull off his bumper, so he could get back on the road. By taking a pause before exiting my car, I put mindfulness first and became more empathetic and caring toward this man.

Bolelli encourages people to embrace both their Warrior and Princess aspects of themselves, realizing that true power comes from not just the body but the mind as well. For example, “If the Warrior is the master of war, she is the artist of peace” (Bolelli 49). There is a time and place for assertiveness and a a time for being passive. We need to balance both sides within ourselves. “The Warrior, the Dragon and the Princess are symbolic images of the energies that humans grapple with on a daily basis. Every living being has to face the dragon's challenge. The Dragon comes to us in the shape of all the problems we stumble upon in daily life.” (Bolelli 48) One of my personal Dragons was surviving a weekend alone in the woods on minimal rations during Boy-scouts. I had to sleep on the ground in my sleeping bag and could not talk to anyone. The worst part was the pouring rain which left me soaked. Finally, a troop leader suggested we move to a covered pavilion. After that, although rainy and miserable for the entire weekend, I soldiered on. I had complete balance between the Warrior and the Princess to conquer the Dragon. I calmly fought thru the challenges and adversaries they presented to me.

In conclusion, Bolelli's Warrior and Princess resembles Yin and Yang. Furthermore treat your body as a temple and not just a vessel for the mind. Bolelli spend most of the book describing the importance of the connection between the physical and mental parts of the body. Also find balance between the human nature to fight or flight. The author makes me ponder the balance in my own life and how I will handle situations in the future.